Here's a guest post from Vickie Curtis, a Research Student at UK's Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology.
I am a doctoral student at the Institute for Educational Technology at the Open University in the UK. I am looking at how digital technologies are changing the way scientists interact with members of the wider public, and I am particularly interested in online 'citizen science' projects such as Folding@home.
A few weeks ago we launched an online survey to learn a little more about why people contribute to the Folding@home community, their views about the project, and about ‘citizen science’ projects in general. We’ve had a great response so far, but would like to keep the survey open for a couple more weeks so that we can capture the views of participants who haven’t yet had a chance to take part (we would love to hear from more women who contribute to Folding@home).
The survey should take about 10 minutes, and the feedback will eventually be shared with you via the website and blog. All the information you supply will be kept on a secure server and not passed to any third parties. If you would like to take part, please follow the link below.
Many thanks to those who have already contributed!