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May 04, 2008


charles LBrown

does anyone answer these comments. this is the donor of the PS 3 running 4033 did itchange?

Charles L. Brown

Hello, this time I found my Keybroad, this makes it much easier to write. I have been watching the changing and growing vinill 4044-4033 has been doing. This is great science. My question Dr. is the software which turns the music harddrive into a music player. Can you change or improve one of the choices whole single album or listed person(s) or group. This is the reason my PS3 runs all the time "its playing music from 700 the CD's I have placed in the harddrive. It stays on randon play. This is way it is never turned offf. It is like having my own radio station. Dr. Pande, this is what the X Box can't do and it help your science projects. Keep the new software changes coming " I will keep playing music. It's great !
[email protected] team 2 of snowflake.


It's called a "comment" for a reason. ;) Questions can be asked on the Folding Support Forum. http://foldingforum.org


"It's called a "comment" for a reason." kind of harsh but it looks like it was said tongue-in-cheek:)

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