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January 25, 2008



Go on, we're waiting for a new client more than for a second coming!


Has anyone checked/fixed the issues denying the 32bit FAH SMP client and cores for Linux?


Glad to hear it! Many of us bought new Radeons around Christmas that we're dying to add to the fight. :) A client still in beta is fine by me.

One question - can you comment on CPU usage generated by the new GPU code? Does the main processor need to perform part of the calculations, or can the newer GPUs accomplish most/all of the crunching on their own?


Does the use of CAL help to speed up the calculations or does it hinder performance instead?


The single biggest issue I'm looking forward to seeing resolved is the Windows SMP client stalling out if network connections are changed/lost. This pretty much excludes wireless-based home networks. I believe this is an MPI issue, is there any hope of this being resolved in the next Windows SMP client?


When can we expect an Nvidia client?


Hey Hooty, I don't think this post is saying you can expect it at all, not in the true sense of the word at least.

Anyway, I can't wait for the new GPU client. This Windows SMP client is giving me real a headache!

Thanks for the update, they are appreciated. Keep up the good work =)


If i read this 'between the lines' the Nvidia client will NOT be ready for a VERY long time..

I really hope i'm wrong here.

Yeah nvidia, come on, the G80's are waiting to help science !


Can't wait to see how the R600s perform on the new GPU client, they seem to be designed for massive scale. Would it be possible to run both GPU client and SMP client on one dual core machine? It would be great if SMP and GPU clients were merged, it would probably speed up the research tremendously.

J Willaford

Hahahah, the 3870 X2's are out. Amazing performance, stellar text, and, uh... we need to ask the Letterman Question: Will It Fold?


I'm excited to hear that the new client is running on the new ATI cards pretty well, but today the new 3870 X2 cards were released and was wondering if that card was included in testing or not.


Shawn, in my opinion 3870 x2 will fold, but I guess it will be necessary to disable xfire mode on them. and you will need dual core cpu at least for them, unless CAL helped them to overcome this issue :)

anyway, great news, and we are waiting :)

Stephen Dewey


"The single biggest issue I'm looking forward to seeing resolved is the Windows SMP client stalling out if network connections are changed/lost. This pretty much excludes wireless-based home networks. I believe this is an MPI issue, is there any hope of this being resolved in the next Windows SMP client?"

I am running the Windows SMP client with a home wireless network, and while it's given me some problems, I wouldn't say it's impossible.

The problem you are experiencing is probably coming from when you exit range of your wireless router and then reenter range. Also I think that this is probably more likely to happen if you exit range for a substantial period of time (based on anecdotal evidence). So if you can at least manage to stay put a bit or at least stay in range (or out of range) of your router for an extended period of time, it should be workable. (If you move around a whole bunch, though, then maybe the problem is unfixable.)

Also, I'm guessing you've already discovered this, but all you really need to do is pull up Task Manager and make sure the processes are running when you have finished moving. You can easily do this by clicking the CPU column to sort by CPU usage (the FahCore_a1.exe processes will be towards the top). If not, close the console window by opening it and hitting Ctrl-C, wait a bit for cleanup, and restart.


"We will also extend the expiration deadlines in the future clients to give some more time, and since the clients are appearing to be maturing."

Is that the expiration date of the client itself, or the expiration deadline of the WorkUnit?

noorman (team 734 Mod)

Is there ANYthing being fixed by downloading and using these new Client versions ???

Why isn't there a version history with fixes list like there are with most programs and their new releases ???


So, when are we going to stop working with binaries produced in March 2007? The SMP client has *critical* bugs that have existed for more than a year, an ETERNITY in this field. This kind of stale software doesn't give me high hopes for the scientific side of this process. Are the people who use the data generated by these clients just as.. stale?


@ Firestarter
Sorry - *critical* bugs? What are these?
I'm afraid I don't call 10 months in beta an ETERNITY either...


@ Firestarter
Sorry - *critical* bugs? What are these?
I'm afraid I don't call 10 months in beta an ETERNITY either...


@ Firestarter
Sorry - *critical* bugs? What are these?
I'm afraid I don't call 10 months in beta an ETERNITY either...


I have problems with 6.01beta3. 1 of 10 startup attemts it fails. its important to me couse im folding at night in d other room. Without monitor, cant see if its on or not.

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